Defense of the bachelor thesis “Isolamento ed identificazione di lieviti non-Saccharomyces da uve Maraština”

As part of the research on the WINE AROMAS project, the first thesis entitled “Isolation and identification of non-Saccharomyces yeasts from grapes of the Maraština variety” was defended.

On December 5 2021, student Pierpaolo Nocchi successfully defended his diploma thesis at the Università Politecnica della Marche, Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie Alimentari e Ambientali, Ancona, Italy under the supervision of a project associate, Dr Vesne Milanović, with the commentary of Dr Federica Cardinali, and the mentorship of Dr Cristiane Garofalo. These are also the first results from the project presented in the diploma thesis.